Stuff on my husband

One of our friends collects Rhinestone jewelry and when I say collect I mean uncontrollable amounts of collecting. I think it’s a special sort of a sickness. She has tricked out display cases in her house with groovy lighting to show off all things twinkly with things I’ve never even thought of collecting. Course, I’m not a collector so I wouldn’t think of it. Christmas tree pins, swirly pins, cat pins, stick pins, pen pins, pencil pins, typewriter pens, computer pins. Pins of the word GUILT with a rhinestone screw representing the letter ‘i’. Get it. Screw. Guilt. She actually had a few of those pins made for a small group of we girls so we could wear them when we would have GNO. I’ll take a picture someday and post it. She has hundreds of necklaces, hundreds of pairs of earrings, more pins, more pins and even more pins, each more sparkly and twinkly than the next. In her vast collection of jewelry she has several tiaras in her possession and they are quite fetching, in fact there’s one for almost any occasion.

In addition to the jewels she collects, this particular friend also has a passion for anything animal print, specifically the feline version, with bits of cow print and zebra print for good measure. You put those two components together add a few bottles of wine, a bunch of goofy people and we all end up wearing tiaras on an evening we get together to play table games, someone takes a picture and viola it’s on the intertubes.

The direct quote was this,

“If anyone gives me shit, I will banish them from my kingdom.”

It takes a strong man to sit in a leopard skin chair wearing a tiara. I’ve considered making a website called “stuff on my man” similar to the website ‘stuff on my cat’ and then people could send photos in, I could sell advertising and the rest would be history.
Above is the photo he wanted me to post,

But I prefer this one,it says it all.

At least he isn’t wearing pink.

4 thoughts on “Stuff on my husband

  1. Hmmm, don’t be surprised if you’re computer suddenly won’t connect to the intertubes after this. In fact you’re probably not even reading this comment as we speak.

  2. I want to comment exactly what ran through my head…but for the sake of being socially acceptable, I give you this:

    This whole post is so f***ing mad cool! I better start keeping tabs on my man!

  3. That is way fancier than what I expected and I am a little miffed that I haven’t been given the grand tour of said friends house o’collections.
    Well done sweet husband, it really sets off the blue in your eyes.

  4. I do believe he looks regal and very spiffy. Even mad he exudes royalty. I think the leopard print makes the picture really.

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