
I have finally done it….I am able to now create links…see check there they are…just a few of the peeps I like to visit. Of course I had to re-create my blog in yet another template, but whatever. We just finished painting the house and this matches better. So now, in spite of my new-tardedness I have accomplished something remotely like programming….I think I might have a future in a small local software company.
There is a Frank update I need to tell you about. I was working in the garden on Sunday when I saw Frank walking past our house. He was without his hat, which is very unusual, and I called out to him and he stopped to chat. I asked how he was doing and he said that he was fine, and that he was out walking and on his way home, pointing in the right direction this time. I asked him where his hat was and he paused and said, “oh somewhere” he then told me good day and off he went. Next time I see him, I’m going to follow him to see where he actually lives, just in case we hit a little crisis again.

9 thoughts on “Ta-Freakin-DA!

  1. Yay for figuring out links! Thanks for the linkage!

    You seem like really nice neighbors to Frank. My grandpa has alzheimer’s and it sounds silly, but having understanding neighbors is so important. He’s always acusing them of taking things that he loses. If they were less understanding I’d be worried for his safety.

  2. Isn’t template programming fun!!! Yuk.

    Heck, I’m a computer programmer by trade and I still don’t know how to do anything with CSS.

    Good job on this one – and thanks for the link. Always a pleasure to stop by your freshly-painted place.

  3. yuo, which might be next week if my boss approves a travel to Boise to a food show. 🙂 Had brea with ma and Ellen, it was actually not bad, in fact fun at times.

  4. Um, home life is lovely but wouldja go exploring and eat at “Wild Ginger”. Racheal Ray visited Seattle and perhaps you could do a review before Wild Ginger evolves into a book store or something, eh?

  5. Thank you, Blog-o-licious, for your encouraging comment on my blog! =) It’s nice to know some people out there ‘get it.’ Be well!!

    ~ A

  6. Good job on the links! I just posted about something else you can do to your blog, so check it out! It’s not as hard as it looks…

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